0330 002 2111 info@cmc.uk.net

for business?

O2 bring you greater flexibility and an unrivalled service. Their award-winning network means you stay connected, whenever you’re doing business.

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business network

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34.1 million connections,
offering 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G

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Dedicated Customer
Support teams

Tailored packages to meet
specific business needs

A wide range of hardware
and software options

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Flexible EU roaming at
no extra charge, up to 25GB

Need a range of handsets?
Have different data needs?

Get in touch and see what Challenger can do for you.

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    O2 Robot

    As an official All Blue Inspire partner, we work closely with O2 in order to offer robust and flexible solutions for our customers. The combination of Challenger’s account management focus with O2’s reliable and market-leading products brings you the best of both worlds.

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